On 15th November 2024, Kabar Aye Sun Lun Monastery held this year’s Katina robe donation ceremony, where the board members donated 200 sets of robes donated by yogis to the monastery. 2024年11月15日,卡巴耶孙伦寺举行了本年度的袈裟节僧袍捐赠仪式。董事会成员向寺院捐赠了由行者们捐赠的200套袈裟。
Sayadaw U Pyin Nyar Win Sa’s birthday 庆祝宾尼亚温萨尊者生日
Today, we held Kabar Aye Sun Lun Sayadaw U Pyin Nyar Win Sa’s birthday ceremony. 今日我们举行了卡巴耶孙伦寺的主持,宾尼亚温萨尊者的生日庆典。
Thidingyut Candles Offering Ceremony 燃灯节庆典
On 29 October 2023 (full moon day of Thidingyut) evening, Thidingyut Candles Offering Ceremony was successfully held. 2023 年 10 月 29 日, 即缅历七月的满月日,燃灯节庆典仪式成功举行。
Ka Htein Holyrobes offering 僧衣节庆典
On 27 November 2023 (full moon day of Tazaungmon), Ka Htein Holyrobes Offering Ceremony, which offering of yellow robes to the members of the Buddhist Order for a special purpose, between the first waning day of Thidingyut and full-moon day of Tazaungmon, was successfully held. 2023 年 11 月 27 日,即缅历八月的满月日,僧衣节的供僧衣庆典圆满举行。僧衣节,是在缅历七月的月亮开始亏缺的第一天及缅历八月的满月日期间举行的庆典,这期间可向僧团成员特意供奉黄色僧衣。
Tazaungdine Candles Offering Ceremony 光明节点灯庆典
On 27 November 2023 (full moon day of Tazaungmon) evening, Tazaungdine Candles Offering Ceremony was successfully held. 2023年11月27日,即缅历八月的满月日的夜晚,光明节的点灯庆典仪式顺利举行。
Reverence and worship ceremony to Sayadaw Gyi U Vinaya 纪念维那耶大师的崇敬礼拜仪式
On 31st August 2023—the full moon day of Wakaung—a successful ceremony was held to honor and celebrate the 109th birthday memorial of Sayadaw Gyi U Vinaya. 2023年8月31日(瓦宽月的满月之日),纪念和庆祝维那耶大师109岁诞辰的仪式成功举行。 The bed where Sayadaw Gyi U Vinaya used to rest and sleep: 维那耶大师过去常常休息和睡眠的床: The room in which Sayadaw Gyi U Vinaya engaged in prayers and worship of the […]
Waso ceremony (2023) 瓦梭月袈裟节
On 1st August 2023, the full moon day of Waso, the Waso Robe Offering Ceremony was successfully conducted. 2023年8月1日,瓦梭月的满月之日,即月盈节,瓦梭月袈裟供养仪式成功举行。
Replica of Gautama Buddha’s Eyetooth 乔达摩佛陀佛牙舍利之复制品
On the morning of 17th April 2023, which also marks the first day of the Myanmar New Year, a successful conveyance ceremony was held for the Replica of Gautama Buddha’s Eyetooth. Originally brought from Kandy, Sri Lanka in 2002 by Sayadaw Gyi U Wara, Thihasudhamma Theingi Daw Tin Myaing, and Ms. Aye Aye Mon, the […]
Announcement about the websites 关于网站的通告
This website: www.sunlun-meditation.info is the official website of Kabar Aye Sun Lun Monastery in Yangon,Myanmar. The old website www.sunlun-meditation.net is still working, but all news and updates will only be published on this current website. 本网站,www.sunlun-meditation.info , 是缅甸仰光卡巴耶孙伦寺的官方网站。 旧网站:www.sunlun-meditation.net ,还在使用中,但所有新闻及更新将只在本网站上公布。